Dr. Carlton P. Byrd is currently the President for the South West Region Conference. In his twenty-six years of pastoral leadership in the states of Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Texas, and Georgia, Dr. Byrd has constructed and renovated churches and schools, baptized over 20,000 persons, served on numerous denominational and community boards, along with serving as a guest minister on several religious television networks. Since his appointment as Speaker/Director for Breath of Life, four new Breath of Life churches have been planted and started across the United States.
A very active participant in the community, Dr. Byrd founded the Berean Outreach Ministry Center in Atlanta, GA, which housed a food pantry, clothes’ closet, barber shop, hair salon, and fitness center. Additionally, under Dr. Byrd’s leadership during his pastorate at the Atlanta Berean Church, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded a $5.2 million grant to the church, and the church
constructed a 50 apartment Senior Citizens’ Housing Facility for church and community Senior Adults alike.
Dr. Byrd is also the author of three books, Contemporary Evangelism for the 21st Century, Free: Revisiting God’s Plan for Oppressed People, and Gone: A Healing Word for a Hurting Word, and a columnist for Message Magazine.

Transformational vs. Transactional Education
Presenter: H. Stephen Bralley, Director of Secondary Education North American Division of The Seventh-day Adventist Church
The Partnership of the Spiritual Development of the Young Child Between the Home and School
Presenter: Evelyn Sullivan, Director for Early Childhood/REACH North American Division of The Seventh-day Adventist Church
Education, Lord teach us the way
Presenter: Abdiel Custodio, School Board Chair Vine Haven Adventist School
Raising A Daniel in Today’s World (Peer Pressure)
Presenter: Teresa L. Kelchner (BIO) , President Christian Education Matters | CEM Vision Mission Core Values
And you shall teach them… Contours of the divine plan
Presenter: John Wesley Taylor V, Associate Director, Department of Education
Seventh-day Adventist World Headquarters
Taught by God… The case for Adventist education
Presenter: John Wesley Taylor V, Associate Director, Department of Education Seventh-day Adventist World Headquarters
Joining and remaining – The role of Adventist education
Presenter: John Wesley Taylor V, Associate Director, Department of Education Seventh-day Adventist World Headquarters
Presenter: Sadrail Saint-Ulysse, Superintendent of Schools/Sabbath School Director New Jersey Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Presenter Jerrmain Clarke
Maximizing Communication for Church Events - 4:00-4:30pm
Presenter: LaTasha Hewitt
Church Marketing in 2021 - 4:30-5:00pm
Presenter Chris Matts & Jared Thurmon


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